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July 2, 2024

4 Things to Look for in a Gynecomastia Surgeon

Written by: Dr. Dahlia Rice. Posted in: Blog

4 Things to Look for in a Gynecomastia Surgeon

Men who struggle with gynecomastia are naturally self-conscious about having excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin on their breasts. So, when they consider having their breast size reduced, this means they’re naturally hyper-aware of finding the top gynecomastia surgeon in their area. Everyone wants a top-tier plastic surgeon, but gynecomastia patients seem especially motivated to find the very best.

With that said, finding the best gynecomastia surgeon isn’t easy — we wish you could just search “best gynecomastia surgeon near me” and voila! Alas, you first need to know what to look for in terms of general skills. Then, you need to find someone you feel comfortable and confident with.

To help you on this journey, we’ve listed 4 things you should be looking for when searching for a great gynecomastia surgeon in your area.

#1 – Board certification

Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery requires every surgeon to pass a challenging written exam and a two-day oral exam following the extensive and rigorous training required for certification. Of course, this is also on top of the sixteen years (on average) of post-high school medical education.

You can either choose someone who’s been through this or a surgeon who’s done the bare minimum and is not board-certified.

Naturally, the answer is clear. Whenever you are interested in any type of plastic surgery, always choose only from plastic surgeons who are board-certified. They work according to the strictest standards in medicine and have the most extensive knowledge, experience, and know-how in their field.

best gynecomastia surgeon

#2 – Gynecomastia surgery experience

Did you know that a surgeon can technically list that they perform gynecomastia surgery on their website without actually having any real hands-on experience with the surgery? Furthermore, even board certified plastic surgeons who have gynecomastia surgery listed on their websites may not actually have regular experience with the surgery.

It’s perfectly acceptable to ask a surgeon when the last time they performed a given surgery was. You’ll want to feel confident that your surgeon performs gynecomastia surgery regularly.

Furthermore, don’t be afraid to ask what types of gynecomastia treatment a surgeon performs. That is, do they primarily correct patients who have excess fat or excess skin on their breasts, or are they confident removing skin excess as well as glandular breast tissue? Do they combine procedures easily with gynecomastia? The answers to these questions matter.

#3 – An understanding demeanor

Next, make sure your surgeon has an understanding, kind, and compassionate demeanor. Most patients know this instinctively, but it’s worth mentioning that you should feel comfortable with your plastic surgeon.

The gynecomastia condition can be a difficult topic to discuss openly. For some patients, excess breast tissue may be related to taking anabolic steroids or certain medications, weight loss, or hormonal imbalances and hormonal changes. Patients are often lacking self confidence, especially when it comes to wearing certain clothing, physical activity, sexual activity, and other intimate situations. In severe cases, depression may even be a related issue.

Surgical options can certainly help the patient achieve their aesthetic goals and a more masculine chest. But it’s also worth noting that a caring and compassionate surgeon can go a long way too.

#4 – Quality gynecomastia before and after photos

Lastly, it’s important that patients review the before and after photos of the surgeons they are considering. This will give you a good idea of what results you can expect. Look for a range of varied patient pain points as well as different treatments based on the needs of the patients.

Naturally, you want to see great results that you would be happy with for yourself. The gynecomastia scars should be hardly visible, if at all. And it’s important that the chest contour be masculine, even, and natural-looking as well.

FAQ: Gynecomastia Surgery for Enlarged Breasts in Men

best male breast reduction surgeon

Which doctor is best for gynecomastia?

Those who are thinking about undergoing male breast reduction surgery should speak with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in gyno surgery or directly with a gynecomastia specialist.

What causes gynecomastia?

There are many different true gynecomastia causes. Most often, the issue is related to some sort of hormonal imbalance.

But sometimes, male enlarged breasts and excess fatty tissue are the result of an underlying medical issue such as cancer, a thyroid condition, or a tumor. Pseudo gynecomastia can be caused by weight gain and excessive body weight (a buildup of fat cells) or weight fluctuations. Or, the condition may be the result of taking certain drugs or prescription medications.

Do I need a ride home after gynecomastia surgery?

Yes, after any invasive plastic surgery procedure, you’ll need to arrange for a ride home following surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is almost always an outpatient procedure, so you’ll be able to go home on the same day.

Is gynecomastia surgery painful?

The recovery period following gynecomastia surgery will involve some slight soreness for the first few days. Pain medication will be prescribed and should help ease your discomfort during this time.

How is gynecomastia treated?

Excess fat, overlying skin, and glandular tissue in male breasts can be treated with gynecomastia surgery. An effective treatment procedure involves local or general anesthesia, followed by a series of small incisions around the chest area, removal of excess breast tissue, closure of the incisions, and application of bandages and a compression vest or compression garment.

In some cases, nonsurgical options will suffice, and the patient only needs to lose weight, change up a medication, stop using certain drugs, or get treatment for an underlying medical condition. Sometimes, this can reverse the effects or at least stop the worsening of the problem.

How much is gynecomastia surgery?

We recommend that all patients attend a consultation appointment to get a cost estimate for gynecomastia treatment. Prices vary too much based on the specifics of the patient’s needs and goals.

Meet With Dr. Rice for a Personal Consultation

Consultation appointments offer potential patients a time to meet with Dr. Rice and express their goals for surgery. It’s also a great time to discuss other things like anesthesia for gynecomastia surgery, gynecomastia surgery recovery time, gynecomastia cost, gynecomastia surgery scars, and more.

If you are thinking about gynecomastia surgery, please call our office today to set up a personal consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dahlia Rice. Dr. Rice performs numerous plastic surgeries including gynecomastia, liposuction, breast lift surgery, tummy tuck surgery, and more. We look forward to hearing from you!


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