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Chicago Breast Procedures


Non-Surgical Procedures by Dr. Dahlia Rice – DMR Aesthetics Chicago

Learn about our Non-surgical procedures at DMR Aesthetics Chicago. Whether you’re interested in surgical or non-surgical options, we’re committed to offering valuable insights into enhancing your appearance. Our range of non-surgical procedures includes lip fillers, Botox injections, skin resurfacing, laser treatments, facial fillers, and wrinkle treatments.

For those exploring non-invasive facial enhancements, we invite you to explore the links provided below for an overview of our services and detailed information on each procedure. Select a link to delve deeper into the procedure of your choice.

Lip Fillers:

The composition of our lips is predominantly collagen, a crucial protein responsible for tissue repair and maintaining elasticity.

However, as we age, collagen depletion occurs, resulting in the loss of definition at the lip border and center, contributing to facial aging.

Book Your Non-surgical procedure Today!

Dr. Dalhia Rice is dedicated to delivering top-notch plastic surgery services to her patients. From the moment you step into our facility, we strive for an outstanding experience.
If you’re considering breast surgery, we invite you to explore our website for in-depth information on each available option.

When you have made your decision have breast surgery, reach out to us at (312) 600-5435 or contact us online to arrange your personal consultation with Dr. Dahlia Rice today!

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