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May 2, 2024

The Pros and Cons of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation vs Implants

Written by: Dr. Dahlia Rice. Posted in: Blog

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation vs Implants

When it comes to fat transfer breast augmentation vs implants, your ultimate decision will really rely upon what your goals are, how much of an augmentation you’re looking to achieve, and your anatomy.

Of course, you’ll also get some necessary input from the best fat transfer breast augmentation surgeons. But all in all, it comes down to you and your needs. Some patients fare amazingly well with fat transfer to breast vs implants — they achieve their goals with fat grafting only and don’t require implants.

On the other hand, the opposite can also be true. That is, it’s not always possible to get the same significant increase in breast size with fat grafting alone, and sometimes, breast implants are absolutely necessary.

Up ahead, we’ll take a deep dive into the breast augmentation fat transfer vs implants debate, including detailed explanations of both procedures and a key list of breast fat transfer vs implants pros and cons.

What Does Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Entail?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure that is performed in two parts. The first part is liposuction.

Liposuction is used to remove unwanted excess fat from areas like the thighs or the abdomen. This fat is “harvested “and then processed outside the body before moving on to step two.

Step two is re-injecting the fat into a new location on the body — in this case, the breasts. The fat is injected into the breasts to enhance them and increase their volume.

What Does Breast Augmentation Surgery Entail?Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer Vs Implants

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as breast implant surgery, increases breast size by using breast implants. There are various types of breast implants that can be used, such as silicone breast implants, saline implants, gummy bear implants, teardrop shaped implants, round implants, and many other choices.

Breast implants are inserted into the breasts through small incisions made in the breast crease, around the outer edge of the areolae, or in the armpits. In rare cases, incisions may be made in the belly button and the breast implants inserted there. Patients and surgeons can work together to decide whether the implants should be placed in front of the pectoral muscles or behind the muscles.

Weighing Your Options: Breast Augmentation Implants vs Fat Transfer

The fat transfer vs breast implants debate is so dependent on the patient’s unique needs that it can be difficult to make a recommendation until the patient has met one-on-one with their surgeon.

Ultimately, however, both options can be wonderful and provide outstanding, long-lasting results. The following pros and cons breakdown will help you understand just how the two procedures differ and what you can expect from each.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Pros of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

1. Natural breast augmentation. Since fat transfer procedures use your body’s own fat cells, the results can feel and look more natural. Instead of saline or silicone implants, you’ll be left with your natural breast tissue and fat only.

2. Benefit of lipo. Liposuction is used to harvest fat from donor areas, providing the added benefit of body slimming in areas with unwanted fat.

3. Minimal scarring. Fat transfers require only very small incisions. This means minimal scarring compared to breast implants.

4. Long-lasting results. The transferred fat cells can become a permanent part of the breast tissue, and this provides long-lasting results.

5. Lowered complication risks. Since fat grafting only uses your own fat, there’s a lowered risk of implant-related problems down the line.

Cons of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentations

1. Limited options for size increase. If significant increases in size are desired, fat transfers may not be able to accommodate these goals.

2. May need several sessions. Achieving the desired size and breast shape may require several fat transfer appointments.

3. Not all fat survives. Not all transferred fat cells will survive in the new location.

4. Results depend on surgeon skill. Results may vary based on the surgeon’s skill and experience.

5. Not always an option. Fat transfers may not be suitable for women who don’t have enough excess body fat.

Breast Implants

Breast Fat Transfer Vs ImplantsPros of Breast Implant Surgery

1. Customizable. Implants offer a wide range of sizes and shapes, allowing for more precise customization in line with the patient’s goals.

2. Results appear right away. Breast implants surgery can provide an instant volume increase.

3. More predictable. The outcome of implant surgery is more predictable when compared to fat transfer surgery, which may end up with more fat necrosis (death of fat cells).

4. Works for different body types. Implants are suitable for nearly all women who want to increase their breast size (fat transfers are not always an option).

5. One procedure only. Typically, breast implant surgery can achieve the desired result in only one procedure.

Cons of Breast Implant Surgery

1. More visible scarring. Breast augmentation requires bigger incisions than fat transfer surgery, and this means more noticeable scars.

2. Regular monitoring needed. Implants often require regular monitoring and scans, and they will eventually need to be replaced.

3. Feels less natural. Implants may not feel as natural as real breast tissue, meaning fat transfers may often provide more natural results.

4. No included body contouring. Unlike benefits of a fat transfer procedure, breast implants do not offer the additional benefit of liposuction.

FAQ: Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer versus Implants

Breast implants vs fat transfer: Which one costs more?

When it comes to fat transfer breast augmentation vs implants cost, most of the time, fat transfer procedures will actually cost more. This is typically because this process requires both the breast augmentation portion and the liposuction portion.

With that said, every patient and their unique needs will be different, so you’ll ultimately want to book a consultation to learn more about breast augmentation cost and fat grafting breast augmentation cost.

Can fat transfer breast augmentations cause breast cancer?

No, a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure should not increase your risk for cancer.

Contact Us to Book Your Consultation

To find out more about altering your breast shape and size with breast augmentation or a fat transfer, please contact our office today and book your consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dahlia Rice.


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