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March 7, 2024

When Is It Safe to Have Sex After Labiaplasty?

Written by: Dr. Dahlia Rice. Posted in: Blog

Sex After Labiaplasty

Sex after labiaplasty is a common topic discussed at labiaplasty consultation appointments. After all, many women end up seeking labiaplasty surgery in the first place because they find sexual intercourse painful or difficult with an extra large labia.

A common question we also get is, “How long after labiaplasty can I have sex?”

Up ahead, we’ll answer this question and go into more detail about labiaplasty recovery and when you can return to your normal activities following surgery.

When Can You Have Sex After Labiaplasty Surgery?

Most plastic surgeons recommend waiting for a period of at least four weeks before having sex after labiaplasty. This is because your incision sites will need to fully heal prior to agitation and penetration. Nothing should enter the vagina, including tampons, for at least four weeks after surgery.

It is also important to keep the area adequately dry and clean. You will receive detailed instructions about aftercare before you return home after your labiaplasty surgery.How Long After Labiaplasty Can I Have Sex

Wedge Technique: How Long After Labiaplasty Can you Have Sex?

If your labiaplasty uses the wedge technique (wedge method), the natural shape of the labia minora will be preserved, but a V-shaped wedge will be cut out of each side to shrink the overall size of the labia.

The edges will then be sutured together and will heal together.

This method of labiaplasty requires four weeks of rest and abstinence from sexual activity. Notably with the wedge method, it is possible for the wound to separate during recovery. This makes it even more important to avoid sex during the critical healing process.

Trim Technique: When Can I Have Sex After My Labiaplasty?

The trim method of labiaplasty (also called the linear technique) takes off the outer edge of the labia to make them smaller. This gives a pinker hue to the labia because the outer (often darker) edges are completely removed in most cases.

The downside to this technique is that it may cause loss of sensitivity for some patients, depending on their natural anatomy and exactly how much of the labia mirror need to be removed.

With this method of labiaplasty, a rest and abstinence from sex period of four weeks must also be followed.

Labiaplasty Recovery: What to Expect

Genital cosmetic surgery — and in particular, vaginal rejuvenation surgery — involves trauma to a very sensitive area of the body. Managing the recovery period correctly is of the utmost importance to properly reach the benefits of your labiaplasty, and unfortunately this means limiting sexual activity for around four weeks post op.

For those with an active sexual life, this can sometimes be a shock. However, it is critical to follow your recovery guidelines closely, or complications may occur. After four weeks, the majority of patients are able to return to their normal sex life without issue.

After your labiaplasty procedure, it is important that you wear loose fitting clothes and avoid any physically exerting activities, including lifting anything heavy. Take it easy, get plenty of rest, eat healthy, and don’t push yourself too hard. Recovery is usually short, but it’s critical to take this time to rest.

You should expect some light swelling (few weeks), minor discomfort, a small amount of bleeding (lasting for about a week), and possible changes in sensation.

For most patients, over-the-counter medications will provide adequate pain relief. If pain continues (or if you have severe pain) or unusual symptoms like abnormal bleeding, give our office a call and we can help you find a solution. For bleeding management, wear a light pad and change it regularly.

Cold compresses and ice packs can also help to reduce swelling and limit pain. We recommend a 20 minutes on/20 minutes off routine for ice packs or cold compresses. Patients usually only need to use these solutions for a day or two following their surgical procedure.

When Can I Have Sex After LabiaplastyFAQ: Surgical Labiaplasty and Sex

Does labiaplasty make sex feel different?

For the majority of labiaplasty patients, labiaplasty does not make sex less pleasurable. Usually, sexual intercourse only feels different after plastic surgery in that it is actually more pleasurable with a higher level of sexual satisfaction.

By removing excess skin and tissue and giving a woman back her confidence, improvements are usually the only change.

Does labiaplasty cause painful sex?

Most labiaplasty patients come to us seeking a solution for excessively large labia that cause ongoing pain and discomfort. Sometimes, that pain and discomfort occurs during sex.

For this reason, it is clear that for the vast majority of vaginal rejuvenation patients, labiaplasty actually helps with sexual comfort.

Will I have a scar from labiaplasty surgery?

Tiny incisions are used in the procedure that result in minimal, well-hidden labiaplasty scars due to thin labial tissue with good blood supply, minimizing unexpected scarring.

How long does labiaplasty take to fully heal?

For most patients undergoing labiaplasty surgery, full healing occurs after around the four-week mark. While some ongoing swelling and other light symptoms may continue past this time, most normal activities, including sex and tampon use, can be resumed after four weeks.

Request a Consultation With Dr. Rice

Vaginal rejuvenation procedures can sometimes make patients uneasy. We want you to feel 100 percent comfortable and confident coming to us with all of your labiaplasty questions, concerns, and other inquiries.

Excessively large labia and visible skin folds that make you physically and/or emotionally uncomfortable can be fixed. And you can have a better life because of it.

Contact us today to request your labiaplasty consultation for labiaplasty surgery with female board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dahlia Rice.


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